Quickly and environmentally friendly renovation of school buildings in Europe with wood
RENEW SCHOOL project aims at retrofitting a large number of school buildings to Nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) standard. The Project assignment is to motivate and to give municipalities, school owners, companies as well as end-users appropriate tools and solutions for renovating existing school buildings to nZEB standard.
The project will promote and increase high-energy performance and prefabricated timber-based renovation of school buildings in Europe.
Our mission is to significantly downsize the energy use in schools significantly. At the same time, to create and secure comfortable and healthy conditions for the pupils and teachers. All this through the implementation of technologies that save energy, reduce CO2-emissions and improve the indoor air quality. By using prefabricated timber elements as the core of the renovation process, the building quality will greatly increase, while construction costs and time will be reduced.
Project aim
Prefabricated wooden elements and renewable energy systems for school renovations
Twelve partners from nine countries in Central Europe
Projectduration: 2014 – 2017
Link: http://www.renew-school.eu/en/home/
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