Holzcluster Steiermark > Cluster-Leistungen > Projekte > Spitzen!Leistung Holz II

Spitzenleistung Holz II
enabling innovation


The path to the peak of innovation

We strengthen your innovation skills

Styria as a competitive business location is essentially influenced by innovative strength, the willingness to go with digitalisation and the efforts for internationalization of its operating companies.

In order to be able to create competitive innovations, professional and structured support is required to assist you in the development process. Our project Enabling Innovation – Spitzen!Leistung Holz II offers you support during the start-up phase.

In the second part of Spitzen!Leistung Holz you have the possibility to choose between the core themes innovation and digitalisation.

You have the choice

Be Innovative
The path to the peak of innovation

In this variant, we promote all measures that lead to the improvement of internal innovation management. These for example include:

  • Innovation strategy consulting
  • Improvement of the innovation climate / greater employee involvement
  • Introduction of instruments for finding and evaluating ideas
  • More efficient management of innovation projects
  • support during the concept development phase of new products and services
  • support in organisational development and business model/business area development
Be Digital

Variant 2 offers you funding to support the digital transformation within your company. Besides an improvement of the process flows also concepts for digital or data-based business models should be addressed.
Two support packages are available for companies interested in this variant:

DIGI Basic supports the analysis and development of a digitalisation roadmap for the implementation of short, medium and long-term measures in the form of a comprehensive digitalisation audit lasting several days lead by Holzcluster Steiermark and a digitalisation expert.

DIGI Advanced is based on DIGI Basic and also promotes the final roll-out of the digitalisation roadmap within the company.

Key Data

The aim of Spitzen!Leistung Holz II is to promote innovation and the digital transformation of companies with high development potential.

Financed by the Steirische Fördergesellschaft and co-financed by the IWB/EFRE Programm 2014 – 2020, Holzcluster Steiermark is taking another important step, to sustainably lead a critical mass of companies in the forestry and timber industry to the top of international innovation as well as to advance the digital transformation on a broad scale.

The funding is available to both SMEs and large companies with their headquarters or production site in Styria, provided that the rules on De-Minimis aid are met. Participating companies get 75% of the costs for external consultancy services funded, while 25% must be provided in the form of their own funds. Companies that are interested can freely choose between “Be Innovative” or “Be Digital”.

The time frame for implementation is typically 8-12 months, longer terms are possible upon arrangement.

Christian Tippelreither, Holzcluster Steiermark

“In every company, regardless of its size, there are innovative approaches that only wait for a certain initial spark. That is why Holzcluster Steiermark makes it its task to support and promote you as an innovative idea bearer.”


Current Projects

Systemoptimierung im österreichischen Holzbau